
Chester: Super League’s needed change for the past seven or eight years

29 Jan 19, 12:00AM 0 Comments

Written by John Davidson

Wakefield coach Chris Chester believes Super League had gone stale and was crying out for a revamp and a refresh.

With a new CEO in Robert Elstone taking over, the competition has brought in several new rules to make it more entertaining and exciting on the field, including golden point and reduced interchange, along with a host of marquee signings from the NRL.

According to Chester, Super League has needed change for a while and he is fully supportive of Elstone’s initiatives.

“I’ve even more enthused after listening to Robert and the vision for Super League in 2019,” the Trinity boss told Everything Rugby League at the season launch at Old Trafford.

“I think there’s some geniune excitement, not just in Wakefield, but in all of the competition. I’m excited to see people like Blake Austin play in this competition.

“Trent Merrin is someone I’ve watched over the years and really admired. Konrad Hurrell as well, three exciting players who have come over. I’m excited for Wakefield Trinity and what we can potentially achieve, but more excited for Suepr League.

“I think it’s needed it for the last seven or eight years. I think the competition had gone stale and Robert’s come in with some great ideas.

“We’re looking to speed the game up with the shot clock. The interchange is going to make it a more open competition. I think it’s brilliant and just what this competition of Super League needed.”

Wakefield have made a star signing of their own for 2019 in the shape of Huddersfield halfback Danny Brough. The 36-year-old, who had three years at Belle Vue from 2008 to 2010, has played more than 400 games in his 17-year professional career.

A former Man of Steel winner, Brough is known for his hot temperament but Chester is effusive about the positive impact the veteran playmaker has made on his team.

“So far so good,” he said.

“I’ve known Danny for a number of years. We travelled together 2004/05, obviously played in that Challenge Cup final together. Safe to say both of us have matured since.

“He’s been fantastic for us on the field and off the field. You say the other night just with his kicking game how many games he can win on his own. I’m really excited about working with Danny. He’s got experience in big games as well.

“He’s certainly made a big difference to our team. One of the biggest issues I’ve had with this rugby team is the kicking game, and I feel we’ve got one of the best, with Jacob Miller and Ryan Hampshire can also kick the ball as well.

“Broughy’s been great as have the other signings we’ve brought in.”

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