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Harrogate Fire Ants links up with X-League

07 Jul 20, 3:20PM 2 Comments

Yorkshire newest club joins forces with Rugby League’s newest variant.

Harrogate Fire Ants are a community North Yorkshire Rugby League team based in Harrogate who aim to provide community sport in a fun, friendly and safe environment.

The club nickname explains the spirit of the club as the website explains – “Harrogate Fire Ants stand for Teamwork built upon Fitness and Commitment the humble ant is a prime example of this in nature and by far in our opinion the best version of that has to be the Fire Ant. You see fire ants in nature working together to solve problems they cover huge distances and never give up on the cause, we want to replicate this in everything we do.”

The Fire Ants will be using X-League as a gateway into the sport of Rugby League, Club Chairman Stuart Morris explained;

” We see X-League as an ideal option first of all as a training option with our first team setups to allow training with our first team to happen sooner after lockdown restrictions. After this we are going to be actively developing X-League in Harrogate and North Yorkshire developing our members base to give options alongside our full contact and touch teams that are already established. “

X-League chair Des Foy said;

“We’re delighted to see another team in the heartland pick up X-League and run with it, the Fire Ants are a club very much in the same vein as X-League; getting more people playing more Rugby League more of the time. This latest venture, building a nice triangle between Oldham, Sheffield, and the Harrogate/York area.

discussion on “Harrogate Fire Ants links up with X-League”

2 responses to “Harrogate Fire Ants links up with X-League”

  1. sterlo1985 says:

    Any particular reason you have illustrated an article about Harrogate with a picture of Knaresborough?

    • Mr. RLiable says:

      Its our understanding the Club and X-League will accept membership from Knaresborough also as its only 5 miles away. Its a fantastic sight Im sure you’ll agree.

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