
How Rugby League is now on the backburner for former FC star Jack Logan

17 Dec 20, 7:30AM 0 Comments

Written by Callum Walker

Photo by Hull FC

Coming through the ranks at Hull FC was always the dream for Jack Logan and making his debut in 2014 was up there with one of his greatest ever moments.

“It was unbeatable to be honest, growing up supporting Hull FC to eventually come through the ranks was unbelievable,” Logan told Everything Rugby League.

“Making my debut was a real special feeling as a young Hull lad and playing for my hometown team.”

Whilst he was at Hull, the three-quarter spent time on loan at Toronto, but it was a spell that didn’t last as long as Logan wanted.

“It was a very good experience, but it was cut shorter than what I’d have liked it to be.

“I’d have liked to stay a bit longer and experience the Canadian side of it rather than just training in England.

“I got called back to Hull FC, but I was playing when I got called back so it wasn’t too bad.

“I got to play and be coached by some experienced players like Josh McCrone and Ashton Sims and Bryan McDermott.

“I learned a lot of new things from there. Bearing in mind I’d only been coached by Lee Radford in my time at Hull, you don’t really know how differently other coaches work.

Jack Logan playing for the Toronto Wolfpack

After returning to Hull, Logan was released by his boyhood club and moved to Doncaster permanently ahead of the 2020 season.

“I’d spent a lot of time over there on both dual registration and loans and I knew a lot of the lads.

“I played with Richard Horne at Hull FC in his last season and he was the head coach there and, despite having a few offers from other teams, it was more of trying to find my love of the game again.

“Knowing how Doncaster played and some of the players I knew, we were talking about a big push for promotion in 2020.

“It was a bit of a no-brainer; I’d wanted to do them a favour just as they’d done me one.”

Despite being just 25 and registering nearly 50 appearances for the Airlie Birds in the top flight, Logan is now without a club, but he’s not rushing into anything.

“I’m technically a free agent, but my wife is expecting my first child in January – a little baby boy.

“I’m not rushing into anything – I’ve spoken to quite a few part-time teams and a few full-time teams, but what I’ve decided to do is hold off and see what comes about later on. Im in no rush to sign anywhere part time. I want to spend a much time with my missus and the baby as much as I can and see what opportunities come about.

“Ive spoke about crossing codes with a couple of teams but I don’t think its for me. Unless the right opportunity came I cant see it being worth my while. I think it would be better playing rugby and enjoying myself. I don’t even know the rules to rugby union!”

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